Thursday, May 1, 2014

Want something new? Meditation for 11/24/14

1st magnolia blossoms of '14 - Savannah GA

(To view today's photo journal, just click Here.)

If you want to be where you have never been you have to go where you have never gone.  -  Anon

Do what you did and you will get what you got.  – Anon

     How often we want something different.  We sit about and fantasize about a set of circumstances in which we would be happy, whole and complete.  It may be a glamorized depiction of someone else’s life on television, it may be something we read about or it might be something we have always dreamed of.  Or, it might be something we want rid of – “If it only weren’t for ________, life would be fine.”  So we live in the delusion that maybe some unforeseen circumstance will come along and rescue us – we will win the lottery or get the dream job or those around us will magically start doing what we want them to do.  And the tragic thing is that those things that we spend years yearning for in life that actually come true usually end up being way more of a burden than they were worth. 

     But we want to improve ourselves, and deep down we know that if nothing changes – well, nothing changes.  If we change our location without changing ourselves, we will find ourselves right back in a similar circumstance to what we are in right now.  What is it we crave?  Deep down, isn’t it a meaningful life, freedom and serenity?   But these most valuable things do not fall in our lap – they are the result of doing the hard work required to be rid of the negative baggage we carry and become connected to this life in a way we never have been before.  Letting go of old ideas is difficult and it is scary.  But we serve ourselves well to remember that if we truly want to go where we have never gone before, a change in location is not a requirement.  It is only a change in our spiritual course that can lead us to anywhere new.

Today, may I do the work.  

Happy Friday!!

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