Sunday, June 29, 2014

Are you really being of service? 6/30/14

Georgetown SC

     “ be in a position of offering true, useful and effective service to others. . . I must find the peace and serenity to successfully merge inspiration and experience.”  -  Anon

“Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain, but simply points the way.”  - Florence Shinn

     Inspiration is an influence on a person which combines power and motivation with a unique insight.  Intuition is unique insight we arrive at without conscious thought.  If the first quote is accurate, it says that we cannot be of any quality service to others unless we have three separate elements – power, insight and experience.  It also states that to effectively tap into this inspiration - this insight - this intuition, we must we must quiet ourselves (stop the internal dialogue) first.  Pre-requisites of peace and serenity are detachment from personal motives or gain – we can have no serenity when we have selfish motives.  So, it follows that if we want to be of true service to another we can have no ulterior motives and that we must have the wisdom that comes from intuitive guidance. 

     The second quote states that this internal voice that speaks with no words only prompts specific action, it does not give explanations.  So, if we truly want to help another person, we need to detach and quiet ourselves, listen with our heart, tune into and trust the voice within us that speaks with no words, and then meld the result with our own life experience. 

     Personal experience tells me that if I fulfill my part the most effective words will be given me – they come from deep within rather than from the thinking mind.  Often we do not understand the true relevance of our words and actions until later – and sometimes we never do.  But the point is clear – if we want to be of genuine service, we need to get rid of ego.  And the benefits we receive from doing unconditional service are always in excess of the effort we put forth and always come in surprising ways.  It works – as long as we put forth the effort required, avoid expectations and resist managing the results of our efforts.

Today, may I be of genuine service to my fellows.  

Happy Monday

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