Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stay the course !! Meditation for 1/21/14

Daufuskie Island SC

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”  - Lao Tzu

“The difference between winning and losing is often . . . not quitting.  – Walt Disney

     Perseverance is continued effort on a course of action despite difficulty, failure or opposition.   Nothing new and untested is undertaken without its share of critics, self-doubt and fear.  If the path were well worn, it would not be something new and applause would abound.  But if we are led into uncharted waters, we have to understand that the waters are uncharted for a reason – perhaps others have tried and failed or perhaps no one has ever seen the potential benefit in the course of action we are going to pursue.  But if the message to move forward is clear to us, then go we must.  The first steps are the hardest, because once we have built momentum and others see that the path is going somewhere others want to “jump on the bandwagon.”  But, nothing ventured means nothing gained, so often we have to force ourselves to take the first few steps, however tentative we are.

     If we put ourselves in the position that we are going to define specific outcomes of our efforts we limit the potential for new opportunities along the way.  Although we keep our eye on the goal we must remain flexible in our approach and avoid the rigid thinking that comes with expectations.  When it appears that walls have appeared in our path, if we relax and seek guidance rather than beating our head on the wall in front of us we usually find ways to turn perceived set-backs into opportunities to expand the horizons of our effort.  Each time such an obstacle blocks us we have to take the single first step toward eliminating or evading the obstacle.  It is the combination of many small such decisions to turn adversity into opportunity that ultimately achieves the best outcome.  We have to keep ourselves fully present and remember that yesterday’s prayer and guidance will not yield the best answers for today’s obstacles.  Soon after overcoming the problem of getting going in the first place, the next challenge is staying connected and not projecting outcomes.  If we just persist this moment, facing and navigating the current challenge to the best of our ability our fears cannot sabotage us as easily.  Then we keep moving, being careful not to start clinging to various distractions that would divert us from the path.  One inch at a time, one moment at a time, one day at a time we build the legacy of our lives.  What are we doing right now?  Because what we are doing today is what we are doing with our lives, and life is not a sprint, it is a journey of many marathons strung together.  But if we remain connected to the spirit, to our intuition, to our surroundings and to our fellow man we can enjoy watching as our journey unfolds, one scene at a time.

Today, may I persist.  

All have a great Tuesday !!

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