Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wanna start something? Meditation for 7/9/14

“Any fool can start or perpetuate conflict, but only genius can wage peace.”  -  Anon

“Be the change you want to see.”  - Ghandi

    What does it take to start a conflict?  What does it take to perpetuate conflict?  Any of us beat the drums of war both on the global scale as well as the individual scale – the two do seem to go together.   How much intelligence does it take to expound upon the differences between ourselves and others?  How much courage does it take to send other people’s children into the mind and bone crushing juggernaut of mechanized war?   How much integrity is involved in whispering behind the scenes about our neighbor’s shortcomings?  We all have this capability – this capacity to wage hostility.  Is the one who is happy to just perpetuate the conflicts he has already engaged in any better than the one who wants additional new conflicts as well?   Compelling arguments can be made that both are cowards and fools, but does that attitude not just increase the volume of poison that is being spewed about?

     When an individual awakens to their true spiritual nature, the world no longer is a hostile place.  Primitive irrational fear-based actions diminish and are gradually replaced with actions rooted in faith, love and wisdom.  This is all great, but we still have to live in the anxiety riddled world we are in without despairing. 

     Perhaps we cannot change the world, but we can certainly exhibit the behaviors that represent the changes we would like to see.  And this requires true courage, intellect, prudence, wisdom and faith.   We can choose to be a channel of peace, but it is a decision that we must make and stick to.  Can we call the gossip on their behavior in a way that encourages them to behave differently?  Can we work to seek common ground for opposing groups that chafe at each other in our own neighborhood?  Can we resist the temptation to pre-judge and label when the war mongers work to profit by whipping up conflict on the international level?  We have that choice every day – do we engage in the cowardice of divisive behaviors or do we work to be a channel of peace?  Waging peace is a much taller order than creating strife, but it is the only path to integrity and valor.

Today, may I seek harmony  

Happy Wednesday !!

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