Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What are you good for? Meditation for 5/8/14

Sunset on Dataw Island; Sc

(To view today's photo journal, just click Here.)

 “The only ones among you who will be truly happy are those that have sought and found out how to serve.”  -  Albert Schweitzer

“Service is the highest form of self-service for the person who serves.”  -  Elbert Hubbard

     Honest self-examination brings the realization that spending our life in the pursuit of possessions, power or recognition is futile.  We see that any goals we reach along these lines never deliver lasting satisfaction; rather their attainment creates a greater lust than we had before.  This is the addiction of “more” – no matter what we attain we need ever increasing quantities of it to achieve any satisfaction.  This applies to everything from climbing the corporate ladder to seeking solace in prescriptions or booze.  But if all of these pursuits are doomed to failure, how are we supposed to live a life with any feeling of accomplishment?

     There is a simple solution that works.  For whatever period of time – an hour, a day, a month or a lifetime that we can bring ourselves to understand that our purpose in life is to be of service we reap rewards directly proportionate to the strength of our commitment.  Although we must act on this realization to actually reap the benefits, it is not the actions alone that yield the results.  It is the resulting state of mind that creates the shift within us.  

     When we take the actions necessary to bring ourselves into alignment with this understanding our cynical attitude becomes the feeling that we have meaning and worth.   Rather than viewing others as a potential source of gain, a competitor or an obstacle our new-found empathy allows us to develop genuine and honest relationships.  Rather than fearing change we find opportunity for growth in every circumstance.   As our intentions toward others shift from self promotion to usefulness we find ourselves caring about what others need rather than what they think.  Where we indulged in self pity and victimhood we find gratitude and compassion.  Where we were demanding and quick-tempered we find ourselves showing tolerance and patience.  We find that life really is going somewhere and that we have an important role to play in it.  The list goes on and on – even to the point that we finally realize that when we give of ourselves we always get far more in return.  And what is it that we should be of service to?  Well, if “God” is in everything it follows that everything we interact with is an opportunity for service.  Thus in every moment of every day we have the opportunity to improve our own life.  And with these realizations we come to see that we alone have the ability to make ourselves “happy.”

Today, may I be useful.

Have a great Thursday !!

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